5 Ways to Relax in a City for Free

Sachini wearing a white top, blue jeans, brown Gucci shoes with a brown handbag

Relaxation is a word that sounds like music to my ears, nevertheless a word that I also try to ignore. I do not know quite why but I have a concept in my head that relaxation is somehow anti-productive. But I am wrong. In fact, when you are too tired and burnt out, that is when you are not productive. Relaxation, therefore, is good for your general well-being and it helps you recover from long days of work from both physically and mentally. So if you are living in a buzzing city like London, how do you relax?

1. A Walk In the Park

This is quite literally and metaphorically associated with relaxation. If you are like me who works in an office, or spend the day running from one meeting to another, it is likely that you do not spend much time in nature during the week. So getting closer to the weekend by going to a park is something we could all do which is cost-free and hassle-free. All you need is to just get down there, perhaps with a good book and a blanket if you are a reader, or you can enjoy a good long walk in the fresh air.

2. Meditation

I know this is quite a hyped up word in the recent times. But as someone who has been practicing meditation for a long time, I can certainly tell you that if I have to choose from all these options, meditation is the one I will choose. If you are a beginner, you might find it a bit challenging to gather your thoughts and calm your mind in the first few times, but this is where practice really makes perfect. I have been using HeadSpace app for quick meditation sessions at night, but I do prefer doing an Anapanasathi breathing meditation on my own if I have some time to myself. It is so calming and revitalizing, you can find all the steps on how to do here.

3. Yoga and Pilates

I find Pilates doing wonders not just in the physical abilities and the shape of the body, but in my mind too. I have been doing Pilates for about 6 years now and I can wholeheartedly say, it was one of the best things I started as a hobby and ended up being a great form of relaxation, a way to exercise which has given me much more flexibility in my body and most importantly it has made all my day-to-day aches and pains go away. You do not need to go to a class necessarily and just getting a one time DVD will keep you going for months. Even better an option is there are plenty of YouTube videos, so you can always play around and see.


I used to dislike cooking. I think a part of me saw it as a chore and not an activity that can give me an immense amount of pleasure. But if you can admit that kitchen is, in fact, a great place to relax while putting your creative ideas into practice cooking can be great fun. It is also a much healthier way of eating and all you need is a few recipes of your favorite food to start with and before you know it, you own kitchen can be a paradise to stay in.

5. At Home Spa

Whether you do this your own or get your girlfriends over in the evening or the weekend, it can be really nice and be indulging. As much as I love going to Spas, I also love to stay in and do my own Manicure and Pedicure, have a great body scrub in a bath full of Aromatherapy oils while listening to a soothing piece of music. Just turn the lights off early, light up your favorite candles, stretch your legs and let it go!

Sachini in front of a statue wearing a white top, blue jeans, brown Gucci shoes with a brown handbag
Sachini wearing a white top, blue jeans, brown Gucci shoes with a brown handbag
Close up of Sachini wearing a white top, blue jeans with a brown handbag


Close up of Sachini wearing a white top, blue jeans with a brown handbag
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